Why do you need an editor?

Two reasons:

  1. First impressions matter.
  2. Your ideas deserve to be seen and heard in the clearest way possible.

Whether you need a phenomenal resume or you’ve just written the great American novel, a good editor will clean up your manuscript and make sure it’s tailored to impress your audience.

My background


For 15 years, I worked for The Daily Astorian newspaper – first as its freelance movie critic, then as the newsroom editorial assistant, and from 2003-2012 as Features Editor. I helmed the weekly arts & entertainment magazine, writing a personal column in each issue, assigning and writing stories, editing news and features, and designing pages.

Since 2018 I’ve been the technical writer for an engineering firm in Eugene, Oregon, where my job is to translate engineer-speak into readable English.

I’ve designed and published a number of newsletters for various organizations, and I’ve also edited novels that are in the process of publication.

My bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon (with honors) (summa cum laude) is in Germanic Languages.

Editing services

Each project has its own starting point and goals. Which type of editing will benefit your text?


Cleaned and pressed

Proofreading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I’ll suggest alternate word choices if needed.


Ready for its close-up

In-depth analysis and editing of your text’s structure and voice for style, flow, readability and pacing. Includes basic copyediting.


Extreme makeover

You provide me with an outline of your ideas. I craft a personalized piece of writing customized for your audience.

What’s next?

Tell me about your project. We’ll talk about what your goals are and how good editing can help you get there! Email me for a free consultation and quote.